Jun 12, 2018 23:06

I really want to take some time off. I'm really burnt out, and need some down time. I have three weeks of vacation accrued, but I know that I can't take vacation until July. And I won't be able to take more than a week. I did okay my week off (at the end of July) with my boss. My boss will be off next week.

I think part of the reason that I've been in such a dark mood is because I forgot to take my meds this morning.

My dad is currently reading about macroeconomics, and he recommended a set of books to me.

I was pondering joining the local UCC church to meet people. However, I'd rather go to an Unitarian church, but there isn't one in town. However, the Unitarian church that I'm the most interested in has a 10:00 AM service with coffee afterward. The local UCC church has coffee at 9:15 AM with a 10:00 service. So I'd be leaving the house at the same time anyway. The Unitarian church, though, isn't offering its usual services during the summer. So I need to make plans for the fall.

I was looking into whether living in an RV would save me money. However, there are no deeded lots in the area, and I don't think that I could handle putting in a septic system or doing without one. There is a mobile home park in Decatur that allows RVs, but I think that they charge rent. Not to mention, I don't know how Zara and Mimi would get along in an RV. (I wouldn't even think about doing anything like that while Harlee is alive.)

However, I think that I would like an RV when I'm ready to retire. Drive the RV around to places that I'm interested in retiring in and try them out. Then buy a house at the place that I choose, and park the RV on the property, and rent it out as an Airbnb. It would keep some money coming in. I'd have to empty the septic tank periodically, but that would be a good excuse for a road trip.

Question: what do you call a truck that has a built-in, permanent cover over the back like an SUV? I'm googling "covered truck," but not getting what I'm looking for.

Okay, there are SUVs that can tow a small RV trailer.

x-posted from Dreamwidth

books, church, work, retirement, rv

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