Got a Few Things Done

Jun 10, 2018 21:34

Got some work done. Printed out some instructions for the new-to-me Instant Pot and steam mop (yes, I paid for it). Returned some library books.

Went to Aldi to replace the coffee that I spilled all over the place. Aldi had some nice-looking brussels sprouts, so I need to figure out how to cook them in the new Instant Pot. Wow, does that sound good. Picked up grits and milk at Walmart.

Bought a pressure-cooker cookbook to view on the Kindle. The list of recipes made me drool.

Made frozen pizza. Watched Anthony Bourdain. He got me interested in Berlin, a city which didn't particularly interest me before.

I'm tired. I think that I'm going to feed the girls and go to bed, read a little, and go to sleep. Or maybe I'll skip the reading and go to sleep. Want to get up early and get some stuff done before work.

The Japanese newspaper that I was reading earlier said that Kim Jong-Un realizes that he'll have to open up North Korea to improve the economy, so that's why he's negotiating with various countries. He's working on a trade agreement with China. Interesting.

x-posted from Dreamwidth

errands, news, food, tv, work

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