Digging in the Dirt

May 18, 2018 22:31

I looked into Davis, CA as a possible retirement place, but thought that housing might be expensive because it's fairly close to the Bay Area. Hahahaha. Almost as expensive as the Bay Area. Nope. I wonder how the professors at UC Davis are managing to survive. Not to mention the students.  I think that I need to forget about California, alas.

I took an online quiz about "which Hawaiian island is right for you?" It said Kauai. We have some consensus.

Zara was sniffing Mimi's tail. Mimi started "acking" and looking threatening. Zara started batting at Mimi. Mimi started to go after Zara. Mommy was going, "Guys, no Kitty Drama!" They did break it up.

Had a nice nap. Threw myself together and bought cat food. Something at Walmart smelled like tomato soup, so I came home and made grilled cheese and tomato soup. Yummy.

I checked the ground in the garden, and it feels like clay, which might not bode well for carrots. I really need a hoe to break up the dirt, but don't have one.

Don't know what was with me today. After shopping at Wal-Mart, I couldn't find my phone in my purse, even when I emptied it out. It was in my pocket. When I made the grilled cheese and tomato soup, I first poured the soup in the frying pan. That concerns me a little.

Talked to Mom. She's been spending a lot of time working in the garden, so she must have some energy, although she's been having problems sleeping occasionally. We both agree that now is not the right time for either of us for a visit.
 Fed the hordes. I'm going to go to sleep soon and try to get up early to watch Harry and Meghan's wedding. I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff. I know a lot of people aren't; people are posting on Facebook that they don't give a hoot about the wedding. x-posted from Dreamwidth

hawaii, mimi, zara, errands, aargh, losing it, mom, food, retirement, garden

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