Everything's a Kitty Bed

May 14, 2018 00:20

Looking at bike locks because I want to retrieve my bike out of storage and start practicing riding. (If I don't go to Detroit over Memorial Day weekend, that would be a good time to start.) I'll need to keep it outside, but there is a fence to which I could lock it. Found a lock on Amazon that was highly rated and not too expensive.

There are a gazillion rabbits in the neighborhood, which might not bode well for my plants. I looked at nets, but want to give the plants time to get settled and root before I put them under a net. We'll see how this goes.

Mimi is settled on my lap while I look at my phone. Now my leg is asleep. Mimi is a BIG kitty.

I have two items on my grocery list. First, I forgot one item. Then I remembered the first item, but forgot the other item. Then I remembered both items, and hastily wrote them down. Sheesh.

I tried giving Harlee her subcutaneous fluids (yes, I haven't done it before. I suck), but she didn't seem to be getting any fluids. Then the needle came out. After Harlee left, I found a clip that was keeping it closed. Now I know what to do, so I can do better next time.

Zara thinks that the area that I set up to do Harlee's fluids (on top of the freezer) is a great kitty bed. I put a towel on top to keep Harlee comfortable. Zara wants to play with the tubing, though, so I need to go rescue it.

Washed the kitchen floor before work. x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, aargh, gardening, cleaning, harlee, saving money, mimi

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