The Girls Are Home

Mar 08, 2018 15:07

After I got home, I took a nap, but didn't set an alarm. Woke up around 1 and got ready for bed. Was lying in bed when I realized that I was hungry. Nuked a mini-pizza. (This week has been a total pizza experience.)

I need to do a bunch of cooking while I'm off for the rest of the week. I'm going to be pretty broke until I get reimbursed for meals in Austin. Plus I have to pay for boarding the cats plus Harlee's blood test and treatment. Which reminds me, I need to order more food for her.

I do want to get some seeds to grow lettuce and spinach in the garden. When it gets warmer, I'll get a few herbs and a tomato too.

Slept through until 9:30 AM. I must have needed the sleep. It's so quiet without the girls saying that they're HUNGRY.

Threw in a load of laundry. I'm waiting for it to finish so that I can take a nap while it dries.

Overslept a little. Threw myself together. Picked up the girls. The vet bill made me wince, but Harlee also got a blood test, dewormer, and some meds. The good news is that her kidney function is about the same as it was, and she doesn't need subcutaneous fluids yet. The girls are kind of stressy right now, not surprisingly, so I want to stay home with them a while.

Need to make a grocery list.

Harlee is complaining loudly. All's right with the world. x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, gardening, austin, harlee, cats, mimi

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