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Mar 07, 2018 19:09

I caught the airport shuttle with no issues, but didn't have time to have breakfast. I ate a sandwich at the Austin airport. At the gate, they asked for volunteers to check their luggage, so I checked my suitcase through to Chicago. While I was sitting at the gate, a woman asked me when they were going to board the flight. I said, "Not for a while yet." (It was 8 AM, and the flight left at 9:10.) She said that the flight left at 8:10, and I looked at her boarding pass, and she was on a different airline. I hope that she made her flight. Slept during most of the flight.

Now I'm cooling my heels waiting for the bus. It'll come in about an hour and a half. They need more seats in the baggage claim. I love having long blocks of time when I have nothing to do but read though.

Oh, I received a message last night that Harlee has tapeworms. That would explain why she's so thin and used to have an enormous appetite. I called them from the airport and said to go ahead and treat her for them. Poor baby.

After some twists and turns following signs, I found the Bus/Shuttle Center at O'Hare. I still had a little time to wait, and smelled some delicious pizza (Uno's!), so I glommed some. My stomach was feeling a little queasy on the plane, so that should help. Now I'm on the bus to Normal.

In Normal now, satiating my taste for pancakes.

Now I'm back home. I miss Miss Z settling on my lap, but I got home too late to pick the girls up. I'm going to pick them up tomorrow. It amazes me that I could start the day in Austin, TX and end the day (and it's only early evening) in Lincoln, IL. x-posted from Dreamwidth

travel, austin

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