Finally Friday

Feb 16, 2018 17:09

Woke up around 11:30. I must of slept on my left hand in a weird way because it hurt when I got up. Mimi was being manic. Zara was being snuggly.

Fed myself and the hordes. Harlee ate a little of her food, and then promptly ate some of Zara's leftover food. Sigh. Now she's eating Mimi and Zara's dry food.

Took a nap and overslept. Guess that I'm caught up on my sleep.

I was thinking about how city-centric certain professions are. Yesterday, I was reading an article about how to get a job as a junior Web developer. Among other things, it said to participate in a hackathon, and "most cities have one". What if you don't currently live in a city though? They do have one at the U of Illinois though. And one in Boston that's open to women only.

I'm staying home today, and probably will spend the day in my pajamas. TMI? Mostly, I'll be cleaning, but want to see if there's any figure skating on tonight. Yep, men's free skate at 7 PM.

I forgot that I was supposed to come in late to work on Thursday because they're giving us an extra hour off, so I guess that I'll come in late on Sunday.

Called the vet about Harlee. She wants to keep her on the same meds, but taper her off. x-posted from Dreamwidth

web programming, harlee, olympics, mimi, zara, vet, work, cats

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