Ice Ice Baby

Feb 12, 2018 00:08

Not sure what to do about work. It is icy out, and I haven't seen cars out. I was able to walk outside though. I think that I'll call one of the other Sunday workers and see what she thinks. I called her, and she wasn't home, so I guess that I'm being a wuss. I did see a car going V-E-R-Y S-L-O-W-L-Y on the icy side streets.

I overslept and didn't get a chance to wash the carpet.

I made it into work. Go me. But it took me a half-hour to scrape the ice off of my car, even with using liquid deicer. I had a moment when I wanted to call my boss and tell him I couldn't make it in because I couldn't get the ice off of my windshield. But I did. It was the stubborn ice that's like an extra layer of glass. Then the worker whom I called called me back, and she thought that we should close because she's worried about the students coming over here. But we don't have a really good way to tell them that we're closed. She also was concerned about the other worker, who comes from Springfield, so I called him and left it up to him whether he came or not. What a mess. He did make it here.

I also made it home for dinner,  but didn't bring the guitar back with me because I didn't want to wrangle a guitar on ice.  Come to think of it, though, I have yaktrax, but I forgot about them.

Need to do some homework.... x-posted from Dreamwidth

weather, work

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