Mom Report

Feb 10, 2018 23:12

I pretreated the carpet. I'm planning to wash it with the carpet cleaner before work tomorrow. I think that I've unclogged the carpet cleaner. Scrubbed litter boxes and the kitchen floor.

Mom is still very tired and is sleeping a lot. She's been snowed in because of the big storm, and couldn't make it to her chemo session yesterday. She's been having nosebleeds, which worries me. She's going to see her oncologist on Tuesday. She also saw her primary care physician earlier in the week. Her doctor thinks that some digestive issues that she's having are due to a food sensitivity. So mom's keeping a food log.

I had the chicken, rice, and mashed cauliflower for dinner, and it was pretty good. I had hoped to watch the ice skating online, but I've been having problems getting it to stream. I'll try again in their "post-show" event at 11:30 PM. If that doesn't work, I give up. Also, I couldn't get the Bluetooth transmitter, which I plugged into the TV, to pair with my headphones.

It is getting a little icy tonight. My car is coated in ice. I'll see how the weather is tomorrow. x-posted from Dreamwidth

food, mom, weather, cleaning, olympics

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