Moving right along....

Nov 09, 2003 17:42

I'm now a card-carrying member of the Y. Yesterday, there were some user sessions at the Lab that I observed, so I popped out and ran errands between the sessions that I was interested in. The woman who did the registration was very enthusiastic and wanted to know if I wanted to work out that day and wanted me to set up an appointment with a fitness counselor and encouraged me to use the exercise equipment after I swam, etc. I backed off a little because I'm not quite ready to use the Y yet; I'm still waiting for my swim cap to be delivered. I told her that I'd call back after I got my schedule worked out. The pool had a siren call for me; I wanted to jump in and swim. We'll see if I remember how to swim -;) I tried some arm strokes on dry land and my head turned in the right manner to breathe, so that gives me some hope.

And I'm finally good to go on the Pilates. I had my doctor's appointment on Friday, and she cleared me to exercise with no restrictions. The weird thing is that now she's insisting that I don't have arthritis after all, but have patello-femoral syndrome, which is when the knee cap rides up because the muscles around the knee are weak. The good news is that it will respond to exercise. It's weird, though, because I remember her insisting if I was near 40 (at the time) and arthritis ran in my family, then I had to expect some arthritis. Anyway, I'll call the Pilates studio on Monday for an appointment.

And I'm looking forward to working with my dance videos; I keep doing ersatz dance steps at odd moments. And ballet might be the exact right thing to do for my knees, although jazz dance is what really interests me. I'm still working on clearing a space to dance. I have boxes with a huge spinner rack for CDs, videos, and DVDs and a new large wicker chest (for exercise equipment) in the middle of the room, so I need to go assemble and move stuff. I also need to page through a book that I'm delivering on Monday (I was at the Lab until dawn wrapping it up) and plan to give myself a pedicure while I'm paging through it (Pilates is done barefoot). So I need to run.

I can't believe that my birthday is this week. 41 (yikes!!) I feel like I just turned 40 last month.

patello-femoral syndrome

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