Air Conditioned Comfort

Jul 12, 2024 23:17

Woke up early, decided to go back to sleep for an hour, and overslept. Took the world's fastest shower and slapped on makeup. Only to find that my Jenny Craig appointment was a phone call, not a video call. Oops. The cats are not happy that I haven't fed them yet.

Hot damn. The money for the bookcases has been credited to my account, so I can buy bookcases to go to the correct address now! They're still on sale!

The Jenny Craig meeting was informative. Apparently I need to add a source of protein for breakfast, vegetables for lunch and dinner, and fruit as a snack. They're sending me a meal plan and a grocery list.

Things are stacking up at work. I'll need to work some this weekend to make up the time that I didn't make up last night.

Crap. Something is wrong with the garbage disposal in my sink. That'll require another service call. Though hmm, I watched a video about troubleshooting, and they suggested checking the circuit breaker, and come to think of it, the electrical outlet near the disposal isn't working either. I'll check it after work. I fixed it by pressing the reset button on a wall outlet.

The a/c guys were fast. They got the thermostat for the a/c working quickly. (No, they didn't. They just turned on the cold fan.) They said that the furnace didn't have a filter rack, and the filter was blocking the cold air, so they need to come back. What they did helped. It's even feeling a little cooler upstairs!

Submitted an order at Meijer. I wanted an apple corer because mine is missing, so I ordered a few more things from them.

I'm finding it harder to diet today, although part of it is the lack of vegetables and fruit. I wound up eating dinner early. And I got my grocery order and had some yogurt, but then I wound up consuming some Jenny Craig popcorn.

Crud. Only one bookcase is available at Target, and I want them to match. I was looking at some on Amazon, which are more expensive, but they are a little cheaper on AliExpress' site. I'll need to get them for the library (music room) and buy some for the living room later. AliExpress' site is buggy. Crap, I can get a maximum of five from Amazon. Okay, I bought seven from Walmart. And I know that they have the right address because I buy stuff from them all the time.

Studied Italian. I'm going to go to sleep in air-conditioned comfort.

losing weight, sleep, aargh, money, furniture. italian, work, house, cats

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