Standing Desk

Jul 12, 2024 00:25

I took my work computer off of the desk, collapsed the desk, and brought the pieces of the standing desk upstairs. The guy is here to assemble it. Got the recycling out. He got the desk together and I really like it. And the motor works! And I have plenty of time to eat breakfast, feed the cats, and get my computer set up.

I had Jenny Craig food for breakfast and like it so far. I had a cheddar omelet. Lunch was pizza. The food isn't as healthy as Bistro MD, but I feel less deprived.

I'm working standing at the standing desk. I'll have to get used to standing and build my time up. The motor is incredibly smooth and quiet. I'm finding that I'm sitting straighter even when I'm sitting.

My "please close the gate" signs are out for delivery. I'm going to have to bring one to Lowe's and ask how to attach it to the fence.

I'm getting a refund for the bookcases. Yay. Now I just need to buy bookcases.

Went to yoga. She kept us late, so I didn’t get a chance to go to CVS tonight. I’ll go tomorrow.

Took a nap and overslept until 11:30 PM. I don't have time for Italian tonight. I need to go back to bed. I have a meeting with a Jenny Craig counselor tomorrow morning before work.

losing weight, yard, food, sleep, furniture, yoga, money

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