We're Screwed

Jun 27, 2024 23:07

I overslept. I'll take my shower at lunch. No, I'm being a skuzz queen today with no shower.

Mimi, of course, wanted lap time as soon as I sat at my work computer. She has settled down now.

Hmm. I was pondering how to remember verb conjugations because that's my downfall in foreign languages. I looked for suggestions, and found one that said to find a story that uses the appropriate tense and write out the appropriate conjugations. I also found a video that I will watch later. (Both were suggestions for English learners, but it should still apply. I'm impressed by anyone who learns English as a foreign language because English is really weird :)) I also thought that I could draw pictures with stick figures for some of the verbs. (It won't work for essere and avere -- to be and to have-- but I remember them pretty well.) If anyone has suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

I do remember some Italian from the first time that I was studying it. I was trying to remember the formal you, and I thought that it was Lei, but then I decided that it couldn't be right. I looked it up and it was.

I'm going to add studying my "Italian for travelers" book to my daily tasks. It contains a lot of basic, useful phrases like, "Where is the bank?" I keep telling my Italian teachers that I want to learn "tourist Italian," but they always want to teach more formal stuff. No, I don't want or need to get certified in Italian. 40 years ago, yes, that would have been good.

Okay, I feel obligated to watch the Biden-Trump debate tonight, so I might not get as much done as I want.

I unpacked my backpack and found my tourist Italian book. I have a hall closet that I think was supposed to be a coat closet, but it had carpet remnants stored in it. I took the remnants out and put them in the basement with a drop cloth over them to keep them clean. The closet is a perfect suitcase storage space. I put the backpack in there and one of my suitcases. I still need to finish unpacking the suitcase from my trip (done). Both the suitcases (the one that I took to Italy and my old Travelpro) wouldn't fit, so I put the largest one that I took to Italy in the closet upstairs. I only will use it for long trips, so it won't be a problem to bring it down in that case. I need to get a handyman to put the closet and guest room doors on.

Hmm. I wonder where my index cards went for my tourist Italian. I ordered some colorful index cards from Amazon, so I can use different colors for different subjects.

I have some papers that I want to save from the Italy trip, such as the schedule and the hotels that we stayed at. I just ordered a binder, dividers, and sheet protectors for information about my trips. I’m wondering what to do with my copies of my passport and Global Entry card, and I’m going to put them in the same folder as the passport and card.

I watched the debate. I like Joe Biden, but that was a disaster for him. CNN said that Democrats are panicking. I think that we're screwed. I think that he'll need to step aside, but I don't know if that will happen. I'm glad that my mom wasn't here to see that. Part of the reason that I watched the debate is because I knew that she would have and then called me about it.

I signed back up for Sling to get CNN.

I swapped out stuff into the purse that I bought in Italy.

I think that I should sign off CNN soon and go to bed.

organizing, election, tv, italian, mimi

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