Mostly Italian

Jun 26, 2024 22:20

The trust wants me to get a payoff letter for my Mom's mortgage. I can do that. Though hmm, does the person who asked know that I plan to sell the house?

Oh hmmm. I got the override to register in the programming class that I had wanted for fall. I need to decide what to do. I have to decide by July 1st. I guess that I'll register (done), but I can change my mind later.

The money posted to my account. Yay. I did order the weather clock and 501 Italian verbs. And a key rack.

More tons of emails at work. Go-Live is today. Keeping up with the emails is a full-time job.

It's 83F/28C today. Much, much nicer. Though my personal air conditioner is supposed to arrive on Friday.

Had some delish Lean Cuisine Shrimp Scampi for lunch. I was wondering if Shrimp Scampi was Italian, but it turns out that it is Italian-American. So no Shrimp Scampi in Italy.

I bought the Italian (top 500 words) flashcards. I'm currently sending it to myself so that I can download it on my phone. Hmm. The top 500 words flashcards are not working on my phone, but they are working on my laptop. I studied 10 words. It's a start. Now I'm working on verbs. They are my two "must dos" every day because they will give me the most bang for my buck.

I almost forgot to get the recycling out, but it’s out. I’m going to cool off and finish Italian. Oh, and eat dinner (done). Did dishes. Finished my verbs. Now I'm going to bed.

weather, mom's house, classes, italian, chores, food, money, work, house

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