A Little of Day 1 and Day 2: Roman Forum and Colosseum

Jun 03, 2024 13:55

The group leader wasn't happy with me that I wasn't at the meeting. We're all meeting tomorrow morning at 9:25.

Rome seems to come alive at night. I wasn't thrilled with what I saw today, and people are surly, but it's pretty in the evening.

I was outside, and a street vendor came up to me. He asked me if I had children, a man, mother, father, sisters, brothers, and I said only a father, and he seemed surprised. He gave me some good luck charms. Then he wanted money to eat, and all I had was a 20 euro bill, which he took and didn't give change. But he threw in an elephant bracelet that I like, which I'll wear on the trip in honor of my mom, who loved elephants. So, it was an expensive lesson, but not all bad. I'll get more money in the morning.

I'm surprised by how many signs are in English as well as Italian. I guess that they're used to visitors from the US and Great Britain.

I heard that they said not to go out by yourself. That's bad because I have a restaurant picked out for our "free" dinner. Instead, there’s a pizza and calzone place across the street that I might try.
The shop next door has an “Italia” t-shirt that I might get. My souvenir budget is for a t-shirt each in Rome, Florence, and Venice.

I think that it’s bedtime. I slept through to 6 AM, waking up a couple of times. I'm still feeling jet lagged (I haven't been following the program), so I think that I'll pop a caffeine pill. Had a protein bar for breakfast. The pet sitter is on the job and texted me pics of the cats.

Showered and makeupped and feel a little more perky. Apparently, we get breakfast in the hotel, so I went and had a second breakfast. The scrambled eggs were runny, but they had an awesome apricot tart. And Earl Grey tea! I didn't linger because it was busy up there.

I didn't wash jeans because I didn't think that they'd dry before we go to Florence, but I washed a top. And my compression socks, which I won't need until the trip back, but I might as well wash them. I changed my mind and washed the jeans. I'll wring them in a towel. And I could dry them with a blow dryer.

Now I have some time to kill. I'm drinking a ton of water; I must be dehydrated from the flight.

We went to the Roman Forum and Colosseum today. I couldn't find my headphones for the radio connected to the guide (I still can't find them), so I caught only part of what she said. But I have a low interest in Roman ruins anyway. (Mom, OTOH, would have been in her element.) Everyone has seen pictures of the Colosseum, but it is impressive though in real life.

It was a lot of walking. My feet started to hurt near the end, but I made it. We had lunch at a local restaurant, which had really delicious cheese made from sheep's milk. Now we're back at the hotel, and I'm waiting for my phone to charge.

Our tour guide said that our bus drivers were candidates for sainthood driving in Rome, and that (as you can see) the dashed yellow lines were only a suggestion :) I was wondering if walking in Rome would be difficult, but it hasn't been too bad.

The time change is strange. It's mid-afternoon here (and it feels like it), but it's in the morning back home. Hmm. Now I'm yawning, but I don't dare take a nap because I'll oversleep.

I bought a burgundy t-shirt that says, “Roma, Italia,” so I’m happy with that. They don’t have diet soda anywhere. Coke and Pepsi yes, diet no. I bought some peach iced tea that is good. And headphones.

Attended a lecture about the Sistine Chapel, which we will see tomorrow.

My reaction so far is that Road Scholar keeps you too busy for my taste. There is a Paris one “at a slower pace” that I might try next. But I’m feeling overscheduled now. These are long days.

I found a perfect item at the store next door. My tai chi instructor said that I should bring her back some wine from Italy, and the store had a magnet with little bottles of wine on it that says "Roma".

A small piece of the Roman Forum

The interior of the Colosseum

The scale of the Colosseum. This is only the first set of arches!

jewelry, travel, rome, exercise, tai chi

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