More Yard Work

Apr 29, 2024 03:59

I watched the first episode of Glee (Apple TV didn't have it but Amazon did). It's very good.

Well crud. The salon that I went to in Urbana is closing. I need to find another place to go. Soon because I want my hair cut before the Italy trip.

Got up at 8 AM. Mimi: Mooooom, foooood!

I booked a hair appointment at a new salon and a brow appointment at Ulta. Yay. I’ll look cute for Italy! I love places that allow you to book appointments online.

I’m going to take my morning nap. I’m hoping that the lawn is drying out while I wait.

Zara got up when I did and wants food. At least, she’s polite and just stares at me. Mimi meows loudly.

Lunched. Showered.

Oh! I got 89/100 on the second programming test! I’m shocked. I thought that I bombed it.

Well, hell. The batteries run dead on the mower quickly. I still have a lot to go. Now I’m wondering if I need a larger lawn mower. I’m taking a break and will go out and plant stuff.

Planted the dahlias. Planted one of my spireas, but ran out of dirt. Weeded the garden bed and planted irises. My neighbor gave me some Siberian irises, which was nice. I’m boiling.

Here's the spirea that is planted in one of my mom's pots. The other one is going in a matching pot.

Had my meeting with the group for one of my classes. Got the data for my chart, but had some questions. Lay down for a nap and slept until 3AM. Tried to go back to sleep until 5, but I guess that I’m up and have homework. Plus I need to wash out Zara’s carrier because I’m taking her to the vet today. The cats want food. It's storming out, so I wonder if I'll be able to mow more today.

lawn, sleep, classes, mimi, zara, tv, hair, garden

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