Lawn Mowing

Apr 27, 2024 20:20

I'm trying Hungryroot. It's cheaper than BistroMD, but I'm getting less stuff. We'll see what I think of it.

Crap. Now they're saying thunderstorms on Sunday too. I guess that I'll rake and put together the lawn mower so that I can zip out next week when the rain stops. And I'll plant the spireas and my new dahlia.

I couldn’t fall back asleep, waiting for my meds to kick in, so I got up and worked on boxes in the living room, but now my back hurts. It just occurred to me that it would be a good weekend to work on the garden because the ground will be wet. But it’s not raining right now. Now they’re saying rain at 6 AM.

It’s windy out, so I’m hoping that the grass is dry. I’m going to have lunch (and feed the girls), shower, and put the lawn mower together. Then I’ll check to see if it’s dry. Now the sun is out, which should help too.

I was reading about dahlias, and I might have killed mine with the cold the other day. I’ll see if they come up. I wasn’t supposed to water them until they send up shoots too. There are little green things that might be shoots in the pots! Awesome!

I took the statin for the first time last night, and I feel fine. I worried for nothing.

Bought some lint brushes to clean Mimi’s fur off my new clothes.

Reading Jane Lynch’s bio made me want to watch Glee (plus it’s right up my alley because I was in a chorus). It’s on Apple TV.

I’m assembling the lawn mower. The instructions leave something to be desired, but I’m getting it. My back hurts, so I’m taking a break.

I got the right front side of the house mowed. It’s slow going because the lawn is long, but the mower is working well. Then it started to rain. I have the mower put away in the storage shed and the batteries charging. Oh, and my compost bin arrived.

And Zara wants food :)

Good thing that I came in because I have a meeting for class in a little over an hour. I finished Jane Lynch’s book.

It’s pouring out. I worked on my boxes until my back started to hurt.

Had my meeting for class. I'll be creating graphs for our data, so I'll have to wait for the testing to be done. But I also need to look up some applications for our project. I think that I'll take my meds and work on that until I get sleepy. I made my slide, took my meds, and now I'm trying to learn how to create graphs in Python. (I made progress on that.)

It's storming outside. I hope that the grass dries up tomorrow so that I can mow more.

I think that the statin is giving me a headache :(

lawn, organizing, meds, weather, classes, mimi, zara, food, tv, garden

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