Tired Day

Apr 16, 2024 00:43

I'm looking for a suitcase that's more durable than mine. I'm looking at Roam suitcases but sheesh, expensive. I'll shop around. I like this suitcase. It's a soft side, but maybe soft-sided suitcases last longer?

Zara’s food dish is missing. I walked all over, but couldn’t find it. What do they do with them?

I woke up before my alarm, but I'm so sleepy this morning. The drive takes it out of me. I snuck off to lie on the futon for a few minutes.

Mimi is lying in a sunbeam :)

Allerton has a peony garden that I'd like to check out.

I'm looking at pear trees. I wonder if the birds eat pears? Or maybe an apple tree?

I’m getting head bonks from Zara. I believe that I was missed.

Shit. I can't find my car keys. I had them last night.

More crap. I owe taxes on the trust distributions for Mom's house.

Found my car keys. They were in the bunched up sleeve of my coat. And I took my spare key off of the key chain. (Yes, I know keeping the key and the spare key in the same place isn't smart.)

It's hot upstairs. I need to buy a fan (done).

I’m napping again after work. I way overslept my nap. I'm going to go back to bed and get up early to do homework.

sleep, weather, tired, taxes, mimi, zara, aargh, travel, tree, garden

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