So Tired

Apr 10, 2024 00:19

Despite my 13 hours of sleep, I'm really, really tired. And I have a sore throat.

I'm going to have to hand in my program late because losing last night messed me up. (And losing Sunday to the drive.) C'est la vie. And I'm busy at work.

Maybe my math (algorithms) grade can pull up my programming grade because I got an A on the last test.

I talked to the pet sitter and the hotel, and I'm going to come back on Sunday, not Monday. That'll give me more time at my mom's house to go through stuff. I'll need to go there and do laundry tomorrow or Thursday.

I'm going to get up early to work on my program. It occurred to me that I could take my laptop over to my mom's house while I do laundry.

mom's house, tired, classes, travel, sick

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