In Michigan

Apr 08, 2024 00:03

Okay, I bought more peonies. I need to get some guys in to fix up the front garden ASAP. I have some irises on my eBay watchlist as well. I found out how to store peony roots until you plant them, but I’ll need to get someone in to expand the front beds right away.

Woke up at 9:30 AM. The cats are restless. Fed them.

I put the Aerogarden in vacation mode.

Showered. Started taking out garbage and recycling. Put the last litter box on to soak. Tidied up the living room.

I think that I’m going to grow Dahlias in pots. I’m looking at different cultivars on eBay. I need to buy large pots.

Met with my group for class. Packed up my school and work laptops. Realized that I didn’t print off instructions for the pet sitter. Cursed. Printed off the instructions. Mostly loaded the car.

I need to sit for a moment and sweep the kitchen and take the final garbage out. Oh, and grab some books for our class project. Done.

Rain is coming. It’s here.

It’s been a wet ride so far. I’m stopped in Indiana for dinner. I’m wondering if I’ll need to stop en route. I do have a hotel reservation in Southfield though. The GPS says that there is flooding en route, but it isn’t saying where.

It was a wet, long, sucky drive, but I made it. I'm at the hotel in Southfield. I just glommed some coffee cake, and I'll take my meds and try to wind down. The hotel is about 10 minutes away from my mom's house, so it's convenient. One of my favorite restaurants is nearby too.

chores, weather, mom's house, classes, travel, cats, garden

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