Everything Under the Sun

Apr 03, 2024 00:15

Man, my primary physician tested me for everything under the sun. I don't think that I've been tested for hepatitis before (negative). That explains all the vials of blood.

I need to set priorities for the estate sale money. I need to get someone to look at the tree in back as soon as I get back from Michigan. Also the leaky pipe in the kitchen. And take the cats to the vet. And I need to stash some money away for the Italy trip (paid for, but I'll need spending money) and property taxes. I guess the remainder is for bookcases.

Had my meeting with my programming professor. She thought that my redone exam was basically okay with a few tweaks. Now I need to study for my math (algorithms) test over lunch.

I did pretty well on the math (algorithms) test. This is a test that I bombed out on last year, so I'm pleased. The exam mean was a 74, and I got an 80. Now I just need to get my grade up in my programming class.

I think that going up and down the stairs from my home office several times a day is strengthening my legs. Good.

Napped and overslept. Remembered my Daily Look box and swore. Tried on clothes and kept some of it. I really should cancel it because I have too many clothes, but I could use some more blazers and pants. At least they don't send me dresses.

Remembered something that I forgot to do at work. Swore again.

Got the garbage out. After asking for another can, I didn't fill it this time. That reminds me that I need to pay bills. (Done. Crap, my energy bill is high. But it's been cold out. I need to look at insulating the windows. Looked into an energy audit, but they're all in the Chicago or St. Louis areas. Asked on Next Door, but I'm not hopeful.) I also have branches in the leaf bags that I filled, and I need to get them out of there according to my friend/colleague. She told me about a place where I can get a mix of dirt and compost for my raised beds though.

I should package up my Daily Look returns and bring them to the UPS Store tomorrow along with the CPAP. Booked my hotel in Michigan for next week.

Mimi is being extra-cuddly today. Oops, I need to feed them.

classes, doctor, mimi, chores, errands, money, work, house, travel, clothes, exercise

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