Iris Garden and Rose Garden?

Mar 20, 2024 21:12

Okay, I ordered a space heater that's supposed to be small but mighty. And portable. We'll see how it works.

Mimi is telling me that it’s tough being a cat.

I'm feeling warmer upstairs today, although I'm making some tea.

I ordered a used copy of Roses for Dummies, written by the same guy who wrote my lawn care book. He seems to be a pretty good author. Oh, I forgot mention that there are daffodils blooming in the back yard. I want to get some irises to plant in the front garden in front of the roses-to-be so that I have a multi-season garden. I also ordered used copies of Flowering Bulbs for Dummies and Trees and Shrubs for Dummies. Hmm, now I'm wondering if the front garden should be just an iris garden, and I would put roses somewhere else. Oh! a place that I looked at has daylilies too! I like daylilies! No, I think that I want an iris garden near my bedroom. Maybe I could mix in some daylilies to make it two seasons? I could expand the tiny garden area near the porch for the roses. Or maybe an iris garden and a separate daylily garden in front, with roses elsewhere? Hmm, irises are poisonous to dogs, but rarely fatal. Daylilies are poisonous to cats, but my cats don't go outside. There is a cat in the neighborhood that goes in my yard though. Very friendly cat. Maybe I should just have a dog run in the back yard and keep a dog out of the front yard. But the dog will want to run around. Maybe the whole back yard could be for the dog.

Okay, I think that I figured it out. Rose garden near my bedroom because roses have thorns. Iris garden by the front porch. I'll expand both garden beds and put in edging. No daylilies. I found a really great iris company.

I'm looking at hostas, but they are poisonous to dogs.

I need to take a picture of the daffodils in the back yard because I think that I want to dig them up and give them away. Hmm, I need to get on the local Freecycle and Buy Nothing groups.

I found some instructions on how to remove grass around trees and add mulch. I read that mowing near trees isn't good for them. I'm looking at used electric weed wackers on Facebook Marketplace.

Ugh. I'm going to have to hire someone to till the garden areas. A tiller weighs from 100-200 pounds, which is too heavy for me.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I registered yesterday for my conference in Minneapolis in May. I'm taking the train over there, which should be interesting.

Okay. Made some phone calls. Zara's meds are being shipped to me (at the right address). The Daily Look box is getting picked up tomorrow and getting reshipped to me. I called about the CPAP, and I'll ship it to them via UPS this weekend.

Both cats are completely crashed out, but I expect Zara to get up for food in an hour or two.

The estate sale guy called, and I will be getting almost $7000. I asked if they could send the check overnight mail, and they said that they would have to get back to me on that. I'd like to have it before I go back to Michigan.

I talked to my advisor and came up with some strategies for getting help with my classes. She also suggested garage sales and estate sales for me to get bookcases. I looked on Facebook Marketplace, and found a couple who makes bookcases to order for cheaper than Wayfair charges for flimsier bookcases. I'd have to get someone to move them for me though.

I looked up to see Zara giving me the "I want food" stare (done). And oh ho, someone tried to get into the catnip. I put it on a top shelf.

I had a session with the TA for my programming class. It was very helpful. She also is willing to do code reviews of our assignments, and she looked at mine and found some errors that I made. We also had a group study session.

I got the recycling out, which involved flattening several boxes and getting them outside. No one picked up my garbage yesterday.

I need to work on my program, but I'm tired, so I'm going to go to bed early and get up early to work on it.

mom's house, classes, home office, mimi, zara, estate sale, books, furniture, money, work, house, garden

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