"Parties End Like Life Ends, But Maybe We Wind Up at Another Party"

Mar 19, 2024 21:30

I’m getting a lot better about putting things away. I washed a beach towel with my towels, and instead of leaving it in the bathroom, I walked over to my closet and put it in. Unusual for me because I pile things. I need to keep it up.

I was awake long enough for my warm pajamas to come out of the dryer, toasty warm. Yummy.

This morning, Mimi was complaining about my closing the bathroom door when I showered. They’re getting back to normal.

I'm cold again upstairs. I don't see a heat vent up here. I leave the door open for the heat to rise through. I need to buy some tea to help me warm up (ordered). Mimi is in a sunbeam. Solar-powered kitty. I think that I need a space heater for the upstairs.

I'm getting "brain zaps" due to my lack of venlafaxine. I didn't see the order on CVS' app, so I submitted it again. I wish that they'd fill it quickly.

Made a couple of phone calls. I'll now have an extra garbage can. Yay.

Hmm. yshaloo mentioned someone who does pet portraits. I kind of would like a wall of the cats that I have had. I wonder how much they cost.

Zara was annoyed about my getting into bed to nap during lunch, but she came back. I really love the warm comforter, and so does she. She is now perched on me.

I've been reading the Alexander McCall Smith books, the 44 Scotland Street series. It was a serial like the Tales of the City. Each book ends with a party in which one of the characters reads a poem that he wrote. In the one that I just finished, he said that parties end like life ends, but maybe we wind up going to another party. That hit me really hard and I started crying.

I called CVS, and they sent a fax to my doctor. I hope that she will respond quickly. I need my meds.

Got the garbage out. I had more than a can’s worth, but I’m waiting for the second can to get it all out.

I received Lawn Care for Dummies. I might bring it with me to Michigan to read in my hotel room.

I'm working upstairs. Zara comes to find me when she wants to be fed. Because she's the boss, I come down and feed them. Mimi chimes in, but Zara initiates the process.

I'm thinking that I should get up early to walk on the treadmill. That would get my blood moving and warm me up.

I finished my to-do list for work. Awesome. Now I think that I'll do a bag of clothes and call it a night. Actually, I think that I'll have to skip the clothes. Oh, and I want to sweep the kitchen/dining area. And I need to post.

Crud. DailyLook sent my box to Michigan, so I need to call them tomorrow to have FedEx go pick up the box. Sigh. I changed my address in their system. Oh well. I can't be the only person to whom this has happened.

Oh. I need to call about the CPAP because they want it back because I haven't been using it. I got it right before my mom died, and I never got it set up. They can have it back. I'll do a CPAP later.

organizing, meds, weather, cpap, mimi, chores, zara, book, aargh, work, house, clothes, exercise, cats

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