Tasks for Today

Jan 27, 2024 22:22

Okay, I wrote down my tasks for today. I need to find a local U-Haul to get more large boxes for my clothes.

There’s an ambulance next door. I went outside and looked, but decided that I was being rude and went inside.

Oh, I forgot to mention this morning that I want to get a robot vacuum for the new house, especially if I get a dog (and the dog would probably hate the robot vacuum!) It would fill in between house cleaner appointments. I’m looking at this one.

Now I’m wondering if I should take my mom’s Ninja coffee maker. I don’t drink coffee much, but I might have someone over who does.

Had a nice nap and went back to sleep for another hour.

I forgot that I bought a HappyLight. I think that it would help during the winter. Oh, and I got a purple graphing calculator for classes to be. I asked my advisor if I could take extra math classes while I’m in the program, and she said, “Yes.” I’m preparing for the Data Science Masters program.

I found a box that will work for the Ninja blender. I was trying to get the coffee maker when I discovered that there was coffee in it. I spilled coffee all over the clean sink, and now the pitcher is soaking. All right. The coffee maker will fit in a small U-Haul box, but it has to be a different box from the blender. I need some FRAGILE stickers (ordered).

I was looking for a textbook for my programming class. I didn’t find it, and went to order it only to find that it’s out of print. So that’s why she is no longer requiring it. I guess that I’ll have to print off the chapters that she posted.

I was feeling tired after lunch, but I’ve taken enough naps, so I’m doing the low-energy exercise of going through the packages that have piled up. And yay, I have knee-high black boots that fit!! They’ll go well with the cashmere coat, which is also nice!

Finished the boxes. I’m feeling a little dizzy, so I might need to lie down after all.

I couldn’t find my old Urbana cleaner, but I found someone else who I’d like to try.

I really want to go get the boxes tomorrow because I’ll have to pull myself together anyway because Donovan (the organizer’s assistant) is coming tomorrow.

Worked on my program until I got stuck and decided that I needed to go do something else.

I finished the Tales of the City books. The last three books were better than I had remembered; they had their moments, even though I didn’t like the Norman Neal Williams subplot. Oh, he wrote another one that is coming out in March. I pre-ordered it.

I tried on my Short Story clothes. I liked most of them except for one top. I got a nice business casual outfit from it.

Oh! I fixed my program!

Had some snuggle time with Mimi. She burrowed under the blankets, and all I could perceive was a quiet disembodied voice meowing.

I think that I need to go to bed and get up early to finish working on the bedroom. I have a headache and I’m tired.

shopping, mom's house, classes, cleaning, planning, mimi, errands, move, book, house, clothes

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