Day of Alienation

Jan 27, 2024 05:06

I ran early this morning, so I tackled the kitchen table and made a lot of progress. I got the table half-cleared off so they can clean that half. I don’t have a good place to put my auxiliary textbooks for my classes.

Well, a colleague was confused when his part of the presentation ended and he covered my part too. I know that it was a mistake, but my feelings were a little hurt. And the software that we were working on was hampering my work, a ticket that I opened with the vendor hasn't gotten a response, and a message that I sent to my friend/colleague got ignored. It was the day of alienation.

I’m jonesing for a nap, but I got a ton of sleep last night. I think that I just want downtime.

The house cleaner came and the house smells good. I need to find the info for the house cleaner that I used in Urbana. (I'm in Michigan right now.)

I received my paper planner. Now I need a planning session.

Well, I did get my nap and slept through until 4:30 AM.

sleep, work, cleaning

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