A Light Dusting of Snow

Jan 06, 2024 22:42

I woke up late, around 10:30 AM. The cats were going, “Get with the program and feed us!” (I did.) Mimi is telling me that it’s a tough life being a cat. She wants me to go upstairs for snuggles or to let her go down in the basement.

I’m figuring out what I need to do today. I need to pick up my Apple Watch and also get some ice melt. I need to work on my box and the kitchen.

I was trying to find out how to pair the AirTags with my new phone. It turns out that I need to replace them. Sigh.

The wallpaper on my phone tells me the weather. It shows a graphic representation of what the weather is. Right now, it’s showing snow flakes, and we’re supposed to get snow flurries for the next hour. It was a few hours. Flurries are okay. I don’t want a huge dump of snow.

I discovered on my phone that my electric razor arrived in December, so I looked at the boxes in the front hall and found it. It’s now charging. I want to wait to take a shower until I can use it.

The new The Home Edit books look useful. I also received The Complete Book of Home Organization and Design the Home You Love. What is with, though, those people who shelve books by color? Yeah, that’ll make them easy to find.

I've decided to get rid of my ratty large spinning rack for DVDs and VHS tapes and buy shelving that kind of looks like a bookcase with smaller shelves. Though I might wait until later to do that. (Money, money, money....)

I’m feeling really tired. I think that I’ll run my errands tomorrow. Plus, it’s snowing, although it’s not very heavy.

I’ve decided that I will work on organizing my bathroom and bedroom first after we move. I’ll spend a lot of time there.

One of the cat bowls fell, and I can’t find it. I ordered four more from Amazon. That should hold us for a while.

Paid bills. I'm going to get the boxes to shred ready (done) because I need to drop a return at the UPS Store, and I might as well bring the boxes to shred too. And I should get Dad's box of stuff ready to ship. I’m going to need packing paper for Dad’s box because it needs to be long to fit a piece of inlaid wood in it, but I don’t have enough stuff to fill the box. I thought that I had packing paper, but I don’t see it, so I ordered some.

Did dishes. The cats want a fourth meal, and I finally caved. I'll feed them and go to bed.

weather, mom's house, tired, to-do, mimi, book, chores, house, cats

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