New York City?

Sep 14, 2023 21:34

I'm thinking of taking a trip to New York City for Christmas next year. This year won't work because I'll be getting the cats back to Urbana, but it would be nice to have something to do for Christmas next year. I've wanted to go there at Christmas time for a while and see the windows and the skaters at Rockefeller Center. I found a couple of hotels with refrigerators. Hmm, the uni has a shuttle up to the Chicago campus (University of Illinois Chicago Circle). That would put me near Union Station. The train leaves at 9:30 PM, and a roomette is $484. Or I could take the train up there.

Mimi left the bedroom! Yay! And she's being a lot more talkative. Now she's lying near me and purring. She came downstairs this morning and she's eating.

I overslept and scrambled. I had my session with the life coach, and as usual, she got me focused. She's great.

Moved the cars so that the guys can deliver the dumpster. The dispatcher said that they might come tonight because of traffic. I got my Keith Haring book from City Lights. I need to check City Lights before I buy a book from Amazon, but OTOH, I mostly buy Kindle books these days.

It's still a little chilly, so I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt with a (new to me) cargo jacket. I'm ready for any weather! I'm feeling ice-cold though. Oh yay, I got my box of stuff that I mailed from the UPS store in San Francisco. I'll have another hoodie to wear!

Heck. I talked to the guy doing the home inspection tomorrow. One thing that he will look for is smoke detectors, and I don't think that we have any. Must look at Lowe's. They have some in stock, and I just booked a TaskRabbit guy to install them tomorrow morning. Ack! I should get some fire extinguishers too.

The weight-loss coach is annoying me. We keep wrangling about water ("and it will help with weight loss"). But I'm losing weight anyway! I even lost weight on the trip! If what I'm doing is working, why mess with it?

Ran out and got the smoke detectors. Shipped my Daily Look return while I was out.

I kind of want to go to sleep early and get up early. More to the point, the smoke detector installer guy is coming at 9:30 AM.

Oh crud, I need to bring the food in (done). Changed the batteries in the thermostat.

sleep, mom's house, life coach, mimi, errands, travel, clothes, weight-loss

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