Quiet Day

Sep 13, 2023 21:48

I'm trying to explain to Zara that I'm not giving her a fourth meal no matter how cute she's being. She thinks that is unfair. I told her to eat the dry food if she's hungry.

I can't find the big bag of chargers. I know that I had it yesterday, so it's here somewhere. But I don't know where.

Zara is being a manic panic cat this morning. She's galloping around.

I'm more well-rested than yesterday but still a little tired.

I gave up and ordered another electric shaver. I hope that it comes quickly. And I ordered another charger for my FitBit Sense. It should come tomorrow.

I'm still plowing through email at work.

Wow, HP is really on the ball! My new laptop has shipped.

Zara is sleeping near me on a roll of bubble wrap. Very cute. She missed me.

I talked to my handyman. He is getting me set up with a roofer. And he knows a real estate agent and will send me his number. And the dumpster is coming on Friday.

Took a nap after work. Slept hard and deep. Woke up freezing.

I'm a little worried about Mimi. She's spending all her time upstairs and not eating. I'll take her to the local vet if this keeps up. I'll bring Mimi up some food. I did, and she ate some of it. I brought her some water, and she drank a long time. She'll have to find her way to the litter box in the bathroom, though, because I'm not bringing it in. I'm hoping that she's just having a really bad reaction to my being gone.

I'm feeling tired, plus I have stuff to do in the daylight, so I think that I'll just go to bed.

sleep, shopping, mom's house, tired, mimi, zara, aargh, work

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