Second Life Coach for the Win!

Aug 17, 2023 22:47

Fed the ravening hordes, who weren't thrilled with me sleeping on the job.

I'm trying to order diet cola from Meijer, but their Web site is flaking. Sigh. Okay, their app worked.

Cool. I've been trying to set a session with my therapist while I'm in Chicago. She set it for noon, when I'll be in Union Station. I told her that, and she set one during her personal time at 10. Thanks to her!

Mimi was complaining up a storm, so I gave her some dry food. Loudmouth cat :) She ate a couple of mouthfuls and walked away. Cats!

Down five pounds total so far.

Man, I'm feeling groggy today.

Mom said that she didn't have enough time in the day to work on the house, and she was skipping sleep and meals. I was like "You're retired. How much time do you need?" Now that I'm working on the house, I get it. This place is a LOT of work. I think that it was too much house for her. And for me.

Okay. The new life coach was very helpful. She said to set a goal for one thing per day (at least during the week). And she said to look into grief counseling and hiring an organizer. She also said to look at my hard stop in December (I start classes again in January, so I want to be done by then), and back up and schedule deadlines. I'm also thinking of hiring an organizer when I unpack my stuff in Urbana.

Got this week's food put away. Tuned my guitar. I'll tune it again before the lesson, but I figured that it would be way out of tune and it was.

Napped briefly. Had my guitar lesson. She wants to see me hold the guitar, which is hard with the laptop. I have a Web cam floating around, so I need to find it. But it went well. Singing went well too.

The washer repair guy, who is coming tomorrow, asked me to sweep near the washer, so I did that.

I've been fighting a headache all day, probably because I was tired, so I need to get to sleep.

Oh, I have a call with an organizer tomorrow and one on Monday.

singing, therapist, guitar, sleep, mom's house, tired, cleaning, organizer, life coach, headache, mimi, mom, weight loss, voice, cats

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