Taking Stock

Jul 06, 2023 21:13

The fawns are back. This time, they're nosing around the front yard, which makes me nervous that they might go into the street. Stay here, fawns. Oh, Momma Deer is here too. The fawns are munching on plants (luckily, not anything that I care about), so they're getting older. Momma Deer stopped and looked at me and eventually decided that I didn't look threatening.

So far, the handyman guy isn't here yet. Maybe he's buying supplies? No, he told me the wrong day and will be here tomorrow.

I now own stock in Amazon, Google, a solar firm, a small AI company, and a real estate company that owns commercial warehouses. Sweet :) Need to diversify more through.

The meeting at my mom's finance people was short, thank goodness. We mostly talked about the stock certificates that I found copies of in some of my aunt's stuff that my mom took. I need to send them info about my grandmother's birth and death dates. (My grandmother, aunt, and mom were listed on the certificates.)

My colleague came to my house and picked up the packages and looked the place over, and it looks like there was no damage from the storm. Excellent.

Tried to nap but my night-owl self couldn't sleep. I should get up and do something constructive. Now I'm feeling sleepy, so I'll go to sleep and get up early. The handyman guy should be there in the morning.

c-u, animals, mom, sleep, investing, money, mom's house

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