Travel Photography

Jun 17, 2023 20:55

My voice teacher wanted to reschedule the lesson to Sunday. Okay by me.

Woke up after a three-hour nap and am feeling really groggy. Not sure what to do now. I'm feeling ice-cold too.

Worked on the kitchen table. I'm having a problem getting rid of anything with my mom's writing on it. Found my swim cap so I can go swimming. Maybe on Monday if they're open. (I have access to the LA Fitness near me.) Fed the cats, who decided that because I had been asleep and got up, it must be feeding time. Zara thinks that I cleaned off the table so that she can walk on it, and she's being unusually talkative.

I got the remaining stuff out of Ken and Deanna's freezer. I called the bank and got the SkyMiles account set up for online banking. Went to Road Scholar to pay for my Italy trip and book a flight, but they're open only during the week. (For those keeping score, my train trip and Hawaii trip this year are paid for, with deposits on the travel next year.) Oh oops, I need the new debit card first.

I remembered that I wanted a Go Pro for my trips. I want to have a YouTube site and travel blog called Adrienne's Bucket List. I ordered a new one (on sale!) and accessories. I'll even be able to take it underwater when I snorkel!

I think that I want another nap. I was planning on going to the Y today, but I don't have clothes to donate while I'm out, so I think that I'll nap instead.

I realized that my cheap DSLR was in Urbana, and I want to play with it before I go on my trips, so I ordered a refurbished Canon Rebel with some lenses. And I bought some photography books.

Now I nap. Lotus wants to come by and pick up her suitcase, but I want to nap and shower first. Tried to nap, but couldn't sleep. Ate something, and I might be able to sleep now.

Acorn has upped their game. I saw some stuff that I would like. And a perfect gift for Mom, sigh. (It's an Irish necklace with a swirl on it. I might get it for myself.)

Now I think that I might be able to nap now that I've eaten. I did nap. I feel more perky now.

Bummer. The New York Institute of Photography no longer offers its travel photography or landscape photography courses. I found courses on Creative Live.

I donated a chunk of money to Mom's favorite charity, Red Cloud Indian School, in her memory.

I'm well-scrubbed. I shaved my legs because I might go swimming on Monday, and the electric shaver made it really fast. But I can't find the charger for the shaver, so I need to order another one.

Called Lotus back. She's going to come by on Monday to pick up her suitcase and go out to lunch with me. I really like her.

Practiced some voice.

I'm feeling tired again, so I'm thinking of going to bed early and getting up early. After I feed the cats, that is. They have their priorities.

singing, sleep, mom's house, videos. lotus, photography, mom, travel, voice, cats

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