
Jun 07, 2023 21:53

I just realized that I can't contact the pond guy about the sprinklers because I have my meditation group at 5. Oh well. Tomorrow.

How'd it get to be Wednesday already?

I dropped the Kia off at a dealership to be diagnosed and, I hope, fixed. I like that dealership. The guy who dropped me back at the house thought that the house was beautiful. I gave him the short version of what's been going on with the house.

I exchanged emails with my dad about my plane crash preparations. He said that I shouldn't fly if I'm scared, and I said that I wasn't scared. Later I said that this was problem solving, not fear, and I think that it sums it up very nicely.

I bought a pretty Hawaiian shirt to take with me to Hawaii and to wear around here to think of being in Hawaii. If it's warm enough, I'll wear it on the plane. I also previously bought a cheap amethyst and opal bracelet and now a couple of cheap rings and a couple more cheap bracelets. My therapist probably would say that it's a good sign that I want to wear jewelry. I want a couple of my mom's necklaces too.

My meditation class went well. I started falling asleep during one of our meditation practices though. We did a stretching meditation, which was hard, and it reminded me that I want to join the YMCA and take Yoga and Tai Chi classes. I just sent an email to them asking them if I can join month-to-month.

One of the keys to my mom's car flew out of my pocket when I was in the bathroom. I haven't found it thus far. And some of Mom's magazines spewed out over the floor, making it even tougher. Sigh.

I started laundry and fed the cats. I need to fill a litter box, do dishes, and work on tidying up the bathroom. I haven't heard anything about Zara's med refill, so I need to call the Walmart pharmacy tomorrow.

car, jewelry, chores, zara, aargh, mom, yoga, clothes, meditation, tai chi, dad, gym

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