Appointments and Voice Lesson

May 05, 2023 20:40

I got some of the dead branches off of the lawn. I'll get some more tonight and move the cars. No, I decided to hire someone to do it. I have plenty enough stuff to do inside. I'm working on getting someone through TaskRabbit.

I like the new hair salon (in Illinois) already. They are asking me a bunch of questions about my hair and wanted pictures. I got an appointment for the Friday after my onsite meeting. The appointment is at 8:30 AM, but I figured that only early appointments would be open at this late date. I'm staying though Saturday for an appointment with my therapist, who isn't licensed in Michigan.

I had the appointment with the real estate agent. She liked the house and pronounced it "unique". She suggested that I call 1-800-JUNK or equivalent to get some of the junk out of the garage and basement. She said that I'd need to paint the outdoor trim on the house and the inside of the house. And there's a part of the upstairs bathroom ceiling that is sagging and that needs to be fixed. She sent me a link to a place that does organizing, packing, emptying estates, and home repairs. I sent them an inquiry.

I had my first voice lesson with the new teacher and she is awesome! And singing made me happy! I'm going to start playing music in here while I work too. That should help my energy levels.

I'm having a great time talking with my former programming classmates on Discord. They are great people! One person offered me free guitar lessons!

Hmm. I'm yawning. Maybe I should go to bed early because I'm getting up at the crack of dawn for the coronation. And no, I'm not dressing up for it. It'll be a pajama party!

singing, guitar, mom, uk, hair, classes

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