Full Speed Ahead

Mar 07, 2023 22:35

No one called me from the nursing home. I made up a test for my programming class. It was easier than expected.

Mom was in a worse mood today. She agreed, though, to have some of her stuff boxed up and put in storage. So I have a boatload of stuff to do this weekend, even with help. She said that the nursing home will contact me first if anything comes up. She's now thinking of adapting the front steps so that she can get up them. I need to make measurements of the current stairs to determine whether we could use the existing stairs or would need new ones. We would need to add railings for Mom to hold onto. I said that I wished that we had a contractor who adapts homes for older people, and she suggested asking the social worker for recommendations. That's a good idea.

That jerk Ken talked to Mom and blamed the fact that they no longer want to help on his wife, when he was the one who was complaining. Honestly, I think that the sooner that Mom is shut of them, the better.

Mom asked if I thought everything would be all right again. I said, "Everything: no, some things: yes."

Yay. My homework is due tomorrow instead of today. I reserved a storage space for Mom. I need to get TaskRabbit people, but I'm running out of steam. And I'm wondering if I should put stuff in plastic bins, which would protect the items (papers) better, but would run into $$$. Hmm. I'm eyeing see-through plastic tubs, which might reassure Mom that we could find her stuff. Home Depot has a bunch.

But I think that it's bedtime. Oh, note to self: rebook Amtrak!!!!

deanna, mom, classes, ken

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