
Mar 07, 2023 06:05

The reason that no one is talking to me about Mom's health care is that they deemed Mom competent to handle her own health care and they're talking to her! I left a message for her doctor to call me, but I don't know if he will given that I'm not a primary contact for her health care.

There is some sort of caregiver training that I'm supposed to go to, but it hasn't been scheduled.

Mom was having a good night tonight. She sounded like her old self. She asked what Deanna and Ken wanted, and I told her that they no longer wanted to help her. Then I said, "Well, I don't know that they've completely ruled out helping her," and she said "But they don't want to be involved." I said, "Yes, exactly." Her reaction to Deanna and Ken no longer wanting to help her: "Fuck them." She wants to get help so that she can tell them to go to hell. She thinks that it's cheeky that Deanna still wants the stuff that Mom saved for her.

Mom said that she'd talk to the social worker about getting me involved in her health care.

I talked to her about tidying the place up a bit putting stuff in bins, and she said that she wouldn't be able to find things. But I got permission to clean up the stairs (yay!)

I received my bucket, scrub brush, and other cleaning supplies. The bathroom awaits. But I took a nap and slept through until morning. I'm still sleepy, so I might take another (short) nap and then do homework.

deanna, mom, classes, ken, cleaning

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