Apparently, I can iCAN

Dec 24, 2022 00:26

Mower guy asked if I needed snow removal given that we didn't get much snow, and I said that I was okay. Still too cold to go anywhere though. I'm not hearing any wind.

Oh yay. I pulled a B+ in my programming class. I have a B and a Satisfactory in my other classes. I can continue in the iCAN program! Things are working out nicely. Now I kind of wish that I had bought an "Illinois Computer Science" shirt, but I didn't want to have it if I couldn't continue. Maybe they'll be available next semester.

I watched a little CNN. Wow, there's a lot of ice in Memphis, and they're undergoing rolling blackouts! Sucks to be them.

Napped. Mimi is sleeping like a little angel. Now Zara is snuggled against my leg.

My dad says that another storm is coming next week, but so far, just says rain. Rain we can deal with.

I'm reverting back to high school and lying down under the covers after my shower. It's chilly in here. Zara is warming her butt on the heat vent. There's a wind chill warning until the morning.

I read an article about solo polyamory, in which you have relationships but not one main partner, which intrigued me. So I bought a book about it. (I am a librarian, after all!)

I watched Harry & Meghan while I ate dinner. I found it interesting. They had a tough time getting to know each other before the media onslaught. (And I'm part of the problem because I'm watching media about them.)

I cleaned up the kitchen and am treating a soup pot with Dawn Powerwash. Now I'm going to sleep and will wake up in a warmer world. Oh hell, I didn't put my clothes in the dryer.

zara, tv, weather, classes, cleaning, mimi, dad

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