Mundane But Productive Day

Dec 11, 2022 00:53

It's a dark and gloomy day. But I'm feeling better.

Most cats get sleepy after eating. Zara gets manic. She dove with her front paws in a garbage bag that I had on the floor and slid across the floor. Goofy cat :)

Apparently, there's an important typo in the extra-credit problem that was released. I'll let my classmates track down our professor and do other stuff. Okay, it's corrected.

I forgot to call U-Haul. I ordered six wardrobe boxes, which they charged me for, and got four. But their number takes forever to be answered. Maybe when I take a break to work on my paper, I'll call and stay on hold.

I found a litter box mat that I want, but it won't arrive until after I move. I'd rather wait until I move to order it.

I'm hooked on Public Goods' carrot soup. Kind of pricey, but oh so good and good for you.

I've got the sweater hangers.

I wanted another nap, so I popped a No Doz and started working on my extra credit problem for my programming class instead until I got more perky. Worked on my problem until I hit a wall. I made great progress though. Now to work on the kitchen.

Crap. I didn't call U-Haul. Maybe tomorrow after Italian? I texted U-Haul and they said that I need to contact their store, so I emailed their store. I hope that they get back to me quickly.

Started laundry. Worked on cleaning and packing the kitchen.

Talked to Mom. She isn't feeling well and is cranky. She said that she knows that she needs to eat more and get more sleep, "but she doesn't have time*. I think that she needs to take care of herself, but I can't force her to do that. We talked surprisingly long. She's thrilled that she'll see me (and the cats) fairly soon.

Mom wanted to know what I want for Christmas. I saw a couple of bath sets on Lush's USA site that looked interesting. But if it's shipped now, it gets there on December 20th, the day of my move. I would like it to go to the new place a day later. I also found some towels that look good. I'll talk to her tomorrow and see what she wants to do.

Well, here's an interesting wrinkle; my pet sitter is taking a class as well as work and can't come help pack. She's going to ask her nephews if they would want to help and earn some extra $$$.

Bother. The day that I wanted to bring Mom down (the Sunday after my move) turns out to be Christmas. I'll need to move it to the day before because we'll need restaurants open for the drive. So basically I do the move and rest a day and leave.

Went to transfer money between bank accounts to pay a bill when I found that the PNC site was down for maintenance. I was able to add a debit card to the account and paid it. I'm paying bills as a break from packing. Also, writing a few Christmas cards.

I need to do a few more things before I go to sleep.

christmas, weather, classes, moving, chores, zara, aargh, mom, food

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