
Sep 24, 2022 05:13

It's a spend the morning in pajamas day. And it's cold in here (55F outside), so I turned the heat on.

Okay, this is weird. I contacted a junk hauling service through Square to haul away my old washer and dryer at 3 PM. I got a confirmation message. It's now 3:30, and I haven't heard anything from them. I tried calling them, and it said that their number was no longer in service. I guess that they aren't coming then. It'll be tough to find someone else. I filled out a form for an estimate from someone else.

Ran out to mail the eBay package. It was raining lightly. The maintenance guy was working to fix the skirt of my mobile home, and it looks good. I didn't book the U-Haul because I need someone to take my washer and dryer out first.

Talked to Mom. Her platelets are really low, so she's waiting until mid-October to go to Chicago. She commented that I could go to pick up my stuff the weekend after next, which I might do if I have trouble getting someone to take out the washer and dryer or problems getting a truck. Oh, and she found a smartphone that she likes.

Napped and slept through until 4:30 AM. I think that I'm going to have some oatmeal and then go back to sleep for a while.

errands, aargh, mom, sleep, weather

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