
Jul 28, 2022 00:21

I skipped piano class on Tuesday because I was really tired. Took a nap and slept through until morning. Was confused about what day it was when I woke up. Overslept my alarm, but got to work on time. Gave Zara less food because she's eating less, and she ate it with gusto. Now she wants more food. Yay. She ate it!

Mower guy has responded now, and I'm on his list. It says something about how my mind works that I thought that I offended him somehow and that's why he wasn't responding. Nope, he's just swamped. He mowed this afternoon.

I attended a good webinar about invisible disabilities. It was sponsored by the University of Central Florida, which has a good speaker series. It's making me think more about accommodations. Also, how I can get to sleep earlier and get up earlier. I'm going to take my nighttime meds earlier, and I bought a new "Sonic Boom" alarm with a bed shaker.

Now it's raining, so I'm glad that mower guy finished the lawn.

Zara chowed down on her dinner and ate about half of it. It looks like she should get a half-can of food morning, noon, and night. That's a little less than she had been getting, but still a decent amount.

Swapped out my work laptop for my personal laptop for my therapy meeting. Kind of a pain, but I have it set up for my language lessons as well. I think that I'm going to store it in my travel backpack for the time being instead of setting it up on the piano. I can set it up on the piano for piano class only. Life will be much simpler when I have my new laptop, monitor, and desk. Oh! My first therapy appointment is August 3rd, not today! Oops! Better to be too early than too late. And I have things set up.

I was playing the Joni Mitchell YouTube videos, and I discovered Brandi Carlile. I hadn't heard her before. I just bought her latest two CDs.

I had a revelation the other day. My hot water is out, and I need to clean up before I contact the complex management about it. So I'm been taking cold showers. It's unpleasant, but survivable. And it occurred to me that if I can do that, I can do the unpleasant work of getting this place together (although that would take more work than a 10-minute shower :)). Speaking of which, I need to go make a salad and clean.

I read an article about the Mega Millions lottery drawing and bought a ticket. I'm not holding my breath that I'll win, but what the hey. I think that's the first lottery ticket that I ever bought. A large enough prize to pay for my move would be nice.

The salad is made and in the fridge. I took my nighttime meds, a little later than I intended, but still a lot earlier than usual. I think that I'll start my nighttime tasks (done) and reading the news to get myself in bed earlier.

sleep, anxiety, weather, music, cooking, mental health, zara, therapy, money

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