New Therapist Again....

Jul 26, 2022 00:44

Another kind of overcast day, but that's good. It'll keep the heat down. I opened the window in my home office to get some cool air in.

Zara ate her breakfast. Good.

I'm trying to get mower guy to mow my lawn, but so far, no luck.

I talked to the potential therapist, and she didn't think that it was a great match, but she suggested another therapist in the practice. But! She also suggested another Web site in which to look for a therapist, and I found someone who might work. The search continues....The new therapist contacted me right away. That's a good sign. Oh fab, she's Blue Cross Blue Shield Tier 1, so it should have a lower copay.

Zara's eating her dinner too. It must have been the heat the other day that was affecting her appetite. Can't say as I blame her.

Holy cow. I just spent 1.5 hours filling out the intake forms for the therapist. It's the most thorough one that I've encountered yet. I requested an appointment for Wednesday. She has evening appointments, which I like. I hope that this works out. The therapist said that she didn't have experience with schizoaffective disorder, but I don't want to talk about it, so I hope that she'll work with me anyway.

Spent some time snuggling with Zara. Love my girl.

zara, therapist, weather

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