Too Hot to Handle

Apr 23, 2022 01:44

I saw a reference to the Open Path Psychotherapy Collective, and they have some promising therapists with online therapy at good hours. Must look into it. They also have online classes. I'm eyeing their self-esteem, and anxiety and stress classes.

I've been trying some shampoo and conditioner that I used to use called Eufora. It has stripped off the buildup on my hair and is making it shiny, but the bottom part of my hair is still frizzy. Maybe due to the color? I need to decide whether the products are worth it because they're expensive. Actually, I found it cheaper at a beauty supply place.

81 F today! Holy cow. It will be cold part of next week though. (I'm hoping to get the rosemary outside soon.)

Tried to nap, but couldn't sleep. Filled up a bag of garbage in the kitchen. Now I think that I'll watch a Harry Potter movie (done).

Zara wants more food, but I'm not giving her more. She had her two meals and two snacks.

therapy, zara, weather, hair, movie, cleaning

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