Fairly Productive Day

Apr 19, 2022 22:52

Got up early and got my hair cut. And then I dropped off the dead printer and monitor for recycling after getting a little confused as to where to go. And the recycling didn't cost me anything! And the printer and monitor are out of my kitchen!

Had a nice nap. Started laundry. Went to the storage place and went through four boxes of books and brought two back to get rid of, plus a bookcase to replace the one that crumbled and the basket for my yoga stuff. I'm beat, so I need to sit a while. Maybe I should post some books to sell.

Hmm. I'm poking at airfares to Seattle and Washington DC, and Seattle is cheaper (which makes no sense because it's a longer trip). I've heard some horror stories about Airbnbs, so I need to look at hotels. It's kind of looking like the Extended Stay America for Seattle. Then I could eat breakfast there and maybe some dinners. Hmm, another advantage of Seattle is the time change. I'll have classes on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, and they would be over earlier and I'd still have some time to do things.

Filled a bag of garbage from the kitchen. Brought in the basket and a box of books. Just remembered that I need to put clothes in the dryer, but I need to sit for a moment. Went through the box, but there were only a couple of books worth selling. I need to find out if the public library is taking donations for their sale. Put the clothes in the dryer. Emailed the library director at the public library, who is a former colleague of mine, to ask if they are accepting donations. Went to sell some books, only to find that Amazon wants me to verify my charge method, and it'll take a couple of days. Sigh. Maybe I should just sell on eBay.

Not sure what to do now. I'm feeling tired but not sleepy. Make German flashcards, maybe (done)? I'm going to eat some soup and go to bed.

seattle, errands, chores, selling books, decluttering, travel, hair, washington dc, german

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