First Medium Post

Jan 17, 2022 23:26

I did the Betty White challenge and donated to the local Humane Society.

Okay, I posted my first article to Medium. We'll see what happens. I also posted links on Facebook and Twitter and got a comment from a Facebook friend that my "writing was beautiful," so I'm enjoying the compliment :) I also discovered that you can schedule a post to Medium. I could set it up on the weekend and schedule it to post on Monday morning.

I'm trying to convince myself to make the chili and put it in the slow cooker, and my brain is saying that it's too much trouble. I need to ignore my brain and do it anyway. No, I decided to set it up tonight to cook tomorrow because I will eat the hamburger later, and I don't want to eat beef twice.

Napped. I'm trying to convince myself to clean. I have my cleaning clothes on and that's a start. Zara wants to be fed (done).

Started listening to Unfuck Your Habitat and cleaning and tidying. I'm going to like this book. The first chapter is called, "Nice Ass. Now Get Off Of It". I created a space to stash extra sodas ands scrubbed a litter box.

Lay down for a while. Mimi came in and snuggled against my legs, purring. Now I'm hungry. Made a grilled cheese sandwich and ate it, fighting off Zara the whole time.

It's gotten late, so I think that I'll set up the chili to cook tomorrow at lunch. I should have enough time to brown the meat and garlic and dump the rest of the ingredients into the slow cooker.

The upshot of my Medium post: a couple new followers, some "claps," and one comment. Not bad for starting out.

I need to work in my planning book for this coming week.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

writing, cooking, charity, cleaning, mimi, zara, book, medium

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