Tea Weather

Jan 09, 2022 22:29

Yay. No ice outside. It's supposed to be windy though.

I lingered after breakfast with a nice cup of tea. Sometimes it's the small things in life.

Italian went okay. I told my teacher that I had a sore throat and that I'm going to have a COVID test, and he said that he tested positive for COVID and is quarantining. He looked a little sick. He said that our conversation went from COVID to my mom's chemo. Not upbeat.

I looked into other England tours, and I like the Rick Steve's ones the best. I need to save my pennies for them. And work on walking because they include a lot of walking.

Napped. Overslept. Fell down after my nap trying to turn the light on. Ouch.

Crud. 17 F with a wind chill of 7. I need to go to the store even though I've been having a sore throat. I'll wear a mask, although I don't have the N95 masks yet. Now I'm thinking that I'll just go to Dollar Tree, and do my main shopping on Wednesday, when it will be warmer. Done. It didn't feel so bad because the wind has died down. Or maybe I'm getting tougher. Wind chill of 2 F now. I'm going to thaw before I take the garbage out (done).

The parka is now estimated to get here a week from Monday. I think that I'll cross days off on a calendar :)

Zara came over because I was munching on some cheese popcorn and she wanted to know what I was eating. I finally gave her some extra food because she was telling me she was hungry.

I finished my essay for Medium. I'll edit it tomorrow and get a beta reader for it.

Now I'm not sure what to do. I could do some cleaning, but that requires changing clothes, and I'm feeling lazy. Maybe I'll clean off the table. I could study some Italian too. And have another cup of tea. Oh, I should read and comment on some Medium articles.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

errands, zara, writing, weather, travel, medium, italian

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