
Dec 07, 2021 22:05

Woke up around 6:30 AM. Gave Zara some extra food because she was really hungry. Did the pet sitter not come on Sunday?

Holy cow. 19 F out. My heat is working overtime.

Replaced the burnt-out light bulb on my porch with the one from the other door. I'll stop by Home Depot tomorrow after work in Champaign and get a new one.

I'm trying to convince myself to go take a shower, but it's chilly in here. Ugh. I convinced myself to take a shower, but I'm chilled, so I'm making some tea.

I forgot to mention that my mom made a "goody bag" for me full of soup, cookies, and Reese's peanut butter cups so I shouldn't starve :)

Woo-hoo! Completed my final exam, and I'm done with my programming class! It didn't seem too hard, but we'll see after my instructor finishes picking holes in it.

Now I need to get my stuff together because I work onsite tomorrow.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, mom, weather, classes

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