Knit Fit

Jul 14, 2021 23:37

I found beginners crochet and knitting classes on Zoom that won't break the bank. The only thing is that the knitting class is on a two-hour lunch during the week, but it's only two sessions, so I probably could work it out.
Okay, they're repeating the crochet one in August, so I just need to attend the knitting one now. I booked the class.

Eeek! Mom called and said that she'd be here tomorrow! I was going to go to Home Depot tonight, but I guess that I'll stay home and clean. (I was expecting her on Friday.)

A while back, Mom suggested Charleston, West Virginia as a place to check out for retirement. It has some interesting places and is cheap to live in. Need to do more research. Morgantown, where the main university is, is another possibility. It's close to Pittsburgh.

Cleaned out the car. Did more laundry. (I need to wash my mom's bedding.) Cleaned my mom's bathroom. Started cleaning my mom's bedroom (the "TV room"). However, I'm really tired and keep on doing a little cleaning and collapsing. I need to go to bed, but I need to stay up until the first drying cycle for the futon cover is done. It's thick and needs two cycles. Maybe I'll go sweep and wash the floors in Mom's bathroom and bedroom.

x-posted from Dreamwidth

knitting, mom, crochet, cleaning, retirement

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