Voice? Cool. Piano? Cool. Guitar? Aargh.....

Mar 20, 2021 00:28

Had my guitar class. I'm fighting with chords. My nails were too long, so I'm trying to file them down. The other person in the class is studying music theory, but I was able to follow along most of the time and even answer a couple of the questions. Now I'm eating dinner and waiting for my voice class.

Well, voice didn't go as I expected. We were doing a warmup with trilled R's and I commented that it was like Italian. My teacher said, "That's right, you're studying Italian. How's that going?" I said that I was frustrated because I speak Italian sounding like someone from the US Midwest. She said, "I can help you with diction!" So after rejecting one song because I couldn't hit the high notes, we're now working on an Italian song. I also was intimidated by some high notes in the second song, and we did an exercise that showed that I have higher notes that I think that I have. They aren't really great high notes, but high notes nonetheless. So much of singing is in your head.

I ran errands afterward and was singing "Oh What a Beautiful Morning" from Oklahoma! Voice makes me happy. Piano makes me happy. Guitar is a pain in the butt. Again.

Now I'm doing a little more work for work. Then I'll practice piano and guitar and collapse in a heap. So. Freaking. Tired. Maybe I'll just practice piano (the one that I didn't have a lesson in today) and call it a night. Oh, and declutter.

Oops. I was reading about guitar chords and didn't declutter. I need to go to sleep.

decluttering, guitar, voice, work

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