Not-So-Lousy Laptop?

Mar 17, 2021 23:21

Got the stimulus check. I bid on the laptop, and right now, I'm the highest bidder. The auction ends tomorrow. Booked my next two voice lessons.

The University is having a walking challenge from April through June, and I'm pondering if I should join it.

It's gloomy and a little rainy. I'm sleepy today.

Now I was outbid for the laptop. Need to decide what to do. Need to look at other laptops. I think that 8 GB RAM should be enough for my purposes. Now I'm debating between an HP (slightly cheaper) or Lenovo with similar specs.

The guitar teacher with whom I was working encouraged me to buy his online class and take private lessons. Well, of course he did, but I liked him and what he had to say. He said that he worked a lot with singer-songwriters (he's in Nashville), so working with him might be good. Yeah, I think that I do want to study with him. He's also a songwriter. Hmm, if I did piano lessons too, I could study guitar on Wednesday, piano on Tuesday or Thursday, and voice on Friday. I don't want any of them back to back.

The Lousy Laptop was behaving well during my lesson. Go figure. But I still want to replace it. I bought a refurbished HP laptop with 8 GB memory. That should cope better with Zoom.

I bought the first installment of the rock piano online class.

Now that I'm bringing out the guitar, I need to get a hard case for it because I trip over guitars. Done. People who leave their guitars out on a stand amaze me. I am klutz city.

I'm going to go to the store to get wraps and lunch meat because I have a piano lesson during lunch, and I have about 20 minutes to eat before I need to go to my COVID shot. Tomorrow promises to be interesting. Done.

Did my decluttering. Now my back hurts, so I'm posting while I rest it.

Cross-posting from DW still isn't working. Sigh.

uofi, piano, guitar, weather, errands, decluttering, laptop, exercise

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