Cold, Damp, and Dreary

Mar 15, 2021 21:45

The habit tracker wants me to upgrade. Not until I get paid. Meanwhile, I'll see if it helps.

Despite the limitations of the habit tracker, I did a good night-time routine. I'm trying to get my maintenance tasks done at night so that I have to only feed myself and the girls and shower and put on my makeup in the morning. I even put on night cream tonight!

I just realized that I don't have anything for lunch. Maybe I could make scrambled eggs.

Mimi is hanging out on my lap while I work. I'm wearing a black velour jacket, and she coated one of the arms with white fur. Sigh. Good thing that I'm working from home.

Lessonface overcharged me for the Guitar Pass and issued a refund. That's nice.

I made scrambled eggs with Italian cheese and Italian seasonings for lunch. It was goooood.

It's cold and damp. I wound up turning up the heat because I was freezing. I was going to go to the store to get frozen berries for my smoothie, but I think that I'll stay in. My Bonnie Raitt songbook is in my mailbox, which is making me question how badly I want it. I did go out and get it.

Now I'm trying to convince myself to practice and declutter when what I really want to do is climb under the blankets on my bed.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the Lousy Laptop froze during a Zoom piano class, so I'm going to get a refurbished one when I get the stimulus money.

habits, food, weather, music, cooking, lessonface, mimi

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