
May 04, 2020 01:33

I had problems falling asleep last night. Couldn't shut my mind off. So much for getting up early.

I was thinking how I buy possibilities. I'll have the treadmill (once I put it together) and the exercise bike and the dance videos, so I can choose what I feel like on a given day. It would kind of be a drag to have only one thing to do.

I was also thinking that my mom said that my uncle's life ended (in terms of being engaged) when he stopped working. I said that that worried me because work takes up a lot of my life. My mom said that I'd be okay because I'm interested in lots of things. Possibilities, again.

I've given up on travel plans for the year. Even in November, who knows if we'll be in a second wave of the virus. Now I'm looking at Spring Break next year.

I decided to not put on makeup because the likelihood of a video chat is low. (There wasn't one.)

Hmm. Lincoln Land Community College is offering an online American Sign Language class. It's not cheap, but it would give me the chance to see if I want to pursue it further.

Today is the first day in which I'm working using the new desk chair, and it is a lot more comfortable.

I was looking at seed potatoes to grow in a bag. I'd like to grow Yukon Golds, but their growing season has long since started. The problem with growing potatoes that you have to get a lot of seed potatoes in one order. I need to plan my garden better this coming winter.

Hussled my garbage out. Isn't my life exciting?

I'm busy "snoozing" people that are posting really dumb stuff on Facebook. I don't know why I don't drop them. I guess because they might notice. Facebook is kind of wallowing in the muck and finding a few gems.

I just made Chunky Soup for dinner because I didn't feel like cooking. Plus, I want to finally put the treadmill together and use it. I had Chicken Corn Chowder soup, and Zara was a little out of control. She even dragged her tail through my bowl, but luckily I was about done. (Now she's grooming her tail.)

BBC News: "Trump believes that there will be a vaccine by the end of the year." Oh Lord. I wish, but in your dreams. There's also an article about what travel might be like before there's a vaccine. Must read.

I've been coveting a DSLR camera for years. I've always wanted to get into photography. Well someone was selling a Nikon D3100 without a battery or charger on Mercari for very cheap. I can order the battery and charger. So I bought it.

Well, I started to assemble the treadmill. And in my unerring lack of talent for assembly, I started to put on the bottom of the treadmill backward. I undid it, and I'm done for tonight. They need arrows with "This End Up" for people like me. Do not assume anything.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

camera, facebook, zara, chores, food, work, asl, travel, treadmill, exercise, garden

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